Local Community’s Behaviour Towards Building Creative Capital


 In the egalitarian theory, creativity is recognized as a characteristic of all people. However, its use depends on different conditions. It entails, among other things, the acceptance or absence of certain states, situations or behaviours. Creativity as a human trait is the basis for the distinction of creative capital thriving in cities. This does not mean that in other spaces this capital is not possible to develop. The purpose of the article is to showcase local community behaviour in building creative capital. An induction, deduction, analysis and synthesis methods were used to pursue the objective. Used data was collected among randomly examined 418 inhabitants of the Podkarpackie voivodship. The aim of the research was to assess the conditions for the development of creative capital. The analysis shows that the residents are open to people of different faiths, views, or sexual orientation. The predispositions of the subjects to be credited as creative capital provide a declaration of the use of imagination, orientation for the future and the recognition that the place of life does not prejudge the creativity of people.

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